The Best Used Cars No Credit No Down Payment Pics. Subprime lenders, like those suggested above, specialize in working with consumers that have bad credit and no down payment. Now that you've gotten money for your down payment and tried to work on your credit score and overall standing, you can now proceed to purchase your own car.
Larger down payments will help you avoid high monthly car payments, longer terms, excessive bank finance charges, and being in a negative equity taking the time to save up a down payment before buying a new or used car will pay off tenfold when it comes time to trade in your vehicle. However, at your age with no credit be prepared to. Without a down payment, the lender has more to.
If you have poor credit, a substantial down payment could increase your chances of getting approved for a.
Calculate your monthly car payment and see how term, interest rate and credit score change the result. Buy here pay here arrangement. Learn how to buy a car with bad credit or no credit. You can get financed in seconds with bad credit for a used car near you.